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Hedda Andersson

First female student in Skåne and Sweden's second female doctor Seven generations of "bone-healers" (orthopedic surgeons) The art to cure, especially external injuries, was inherited from mother to daughter ever since the 17th century. Already my great-great-great-grandmother was helping injured people, Hedda Andersson (1861-1950) would say. To further stress how far back the family's art of heali - 2025-03-13

Arvid Henrik Florman

A true renaissance man with a wide field of research Arvid Henrik Florman's (1761-1840) contributions to the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University and to Swedish medicine in general are numerous and greatly significant. In fact, he is recognized as having integrated the practical disciplines of surgery and anatomy into medicine. He is also regarded as Sweden's first anthropologist and an importan - 2025-03-13


Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund The links below go to Lund University Research Portal.Section I Biomarkers and epidemiologyBreastcancer geneticsBreastcancerBreast cancer treatmentBreast/lungcancerBreast/ovarian cancerCancerepidemiology and radiationCell mechanobiologyMedical oncologyMelanomaOncology corporateSystemic radiation therapyTherapeutic pathologyTranslational oncogenomicsTumor micro - 2025-03-13

GIS and Climate Change

GISN32 This is an internet based course. It can only be taken as part of our master programmes. Course contentThis course deals with the climates of our planet and the mechanisms and factors that govern climatic conditions in different parts of the world. The introduction module of the course gives the student insight in world climates, their extent and what parameters that are generating them.In - 2025-03-13

GIS in Tourism and Recreational Planning

GISN33 The is an online course that can only be taken as part of the master´s programmes given by our department. Course content In this course you will explore theoretical and practical concepts of sustainable tourism planning in natural areas and how GIS may facilitate the planning and management of tourism. We explore: A simplified Tourism Decision Support System (TDSS) and how such a system ca - 2025-03-13

Spatial Data Infrastructure

GISN45 This is an internet based course. Course contentIn this course, you will explore theoretical and practical concepts of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). You will study fundamental concepts of SDI and the important factors that affect the development of SDI. Furthermore, techniques for design, implementation, management, and evaluation of SDIs will be explored. This course also includes p - 2025-03-13

GIS and Distributed Hydrological Modelling

GISN36 The course can only be taken as part of Master´s programmes given by our department. This is an internet based course. Course contentsThe course deals with hydrological modelling in a spatial context. Overall goals are to theoretically and practically give the students knowledge about possibilities and problems related to digital geographical data in hydrological modelling, spatially and te - 2025-03-13

Research Methodology

GISN37 This course can only be taken within the master´s programmes given at our department. Course content This course provides you with means on how to define, plan and carry out a project at an academic level. The project is intended to be your master´s thesis, but could be any academic report. The course is best suited to be run in close relation or even parallel to the progress of the project - 2025-03-13

Master Degree Project

NGEM01 This course is compulsory for taking exam in the master programs of Physical Geography. The degree thesis is an independent performed project. Course content As a student, you choose the subject together with a supervisor. Usually, the subject is related to current research at the department. It can also be done in cooperation with other institutes outside the university, organisations or c - 2025-03-13

Climate Change and its Impacts on the Environment

NGEN01 Course contents In this course, you will learn about the climate system and climate models. You will then use modelling scenarios to study global and regional climate change and their potential effects on e.g.: hydrology ecosystems and ecosystem processes biodiversity biogeography extreme events the cryosphere atmospheric chemistry the oceans Methods of detecting climate change are also cov - 2025-03-13

Ecosystem Modelling

NGEN42 Course contents Simulation models are important tools in the environmental area, where they are used to provide input to environmental policy decisions and planning. In the research context, models are used to describe and improve our understanding of complex systems. This course deals with some of the various types of process-oriented models applied in ecosystem and environmental research, - 2025-03-13

Algorithms and data structures in GIS

NGEN25 / EXTQ05 Course contentsThe course starts with geometric data structures that are used at storing and processing of geographic information in both 2D and 3D. This component also contains a description of spatial concepts, particularly topological relations. The second part of the course treats the basic algorithms in GIS for vector, raster and network representations. The theoretical parts - 2025-03-13


NGEN26 / EXTN10 Course content In this course, you will explore theoretical and practical concepts of Web GIS (Internet GIS). From a theoretical perspective, you will study the advantages and techniques for publishing, visualizing, and accessing maps on the Internet. You will delve into the architecture of Web GIS/Web mapping systems, markup languages such as HTML, XML, SVG, and GML. Additionally, - 2025-03-13

Satellite Remote Sensing

NGEN24 The purpose of the course is to give in-depth knowledge of and skills in digital satellite remote sensing in studies of the earth’s environment and the ways in which it is affected by humans.Course contentAmong others, you will be learning the basic physical principles and terminology in remote sensing, and get an overview of satellites and sensor systems. Furthermore the course will cover - 2025-03-13

Spatial Analysis

NGEN23 / EXTN75 The overarching aim of the course is that the student should acquire basic knowledge and understanding of the principles behind spatial analysis in different applications within physical geography. Course content The course aims to equip students with fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the methods of spatial analysis. Topics covered include correlations (rela - 2025-03-13

Geographical databases

NGEN22 / EXTN70 In this course, students will explore theoretical and practical concepts of geographical databases including design, implementation and usage of geographical databases. The course starts with general database terminologies and then concentrates on steps for design and implementation of a geographical database including: requirement analysis conceptual modelling internal modelling a - 2025-03-13

Spruce bark beetle damage to forests

Beetle outbreaks following disturbanceThe spruce bark beetle Ips typographus is an economically important forest pest in Europe. Spruce bark beetle outbreaks are common in Norway spruce forests following windstorm damage. The bark beetle population may increase rapidly after a storm event, as newly wind thrown trees are suitable for breeding. At high population densities, I. typographus can overco - 2025-03-13

Spring temperature backlashes

Seasonal changes and spring sensititvityTree species naturally occurring in central and northern Europe have the ability to acclimatize to seasonal changes in temperature, and can therefore tolerate very low temperatures during winter. However when trees start to deharden during spring, their sensitivity to sudden temperature backlashes increases.Effects on forest standsEven one or a few spring ba - 2025-03-13


This project is finished.Monitoring water and carbon cycling in African ecosystemsWhereas fluxes of CO2 and water vapor between vegetation and the atmosphere have been studied extensively throughout Europe and North America, there exists much less data from Africa. To increase our knowledge and understanding of the water and carbon cycles in African ecosystems, especially when it comes to the depe - 2025-03-13

Plant water use efficiency

This prohject is finished. The study wass carried out at Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark and was run under an EU financed Marie Curie Individual Intra-European Fellowship during 2006 to 2010.Assessment of carbon cycling and greenhouse gases by WUEIn this project, a novel approach to assess net stand carbon uptake is used. The approach has an interdisciplinary character as it introduces - 2025-03-13